Emotional Safety Trailer

Duration: 3:16

Tips for Healthy Social and Emotional Development

This trailer provides an overview of the key messages found in the full-length video “Emotional Safety”. Seven renowned specialists in early childhood share key messages about the importance of early nurture and what you can do to help your child grow to be socially and emotionally healthy.

Ensure Baby Feels Loved, Nurtured, Special, and Safe

Early childhood experts and authentic parents, from many walks of life, including an Indigenous elder, model ways to ensure your child feels emotional safe.

Developed with Vancouver Native Health Society

Special thanks to Nadine Gagné and Children of the Rainbow Drum Group for generously donating their music


Dr. Evan Adams, Dr. Nils Bergman, Dr. Thomas Boyce, Dr. Adele Diamond, Dr. Andrew Macnab, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Dr. Janet Werker

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