Esquimalt Clothing & Toy Exchange

The Esquimalt Clothing & Toy Exchange happens on the fourth Saturday of each month, September 24th, October 22nd & November 26th (no event in December) from 10 to 2pm in the Wheeley Hall of Esquimalt United Church (entrance off Lyall Street – watch for the red arrows).

Even if you don’t have anything to bring, come anyway there’s always lots…and it’s FREE and open to everyone in ALL our communities. Bring what you can and take what you need.

Clothing of all genders and sizes from Infant to Plus, Shoes, Clothing Accessories, Books, Video Games, DVDs/CDs, Toys, Small Household Items – there is so much that comes in – and you can take whatever you need for free with no admission charge! or email [email protected]


Nov 26 2022


10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

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