Lotsa Lego Show
A holiday show for the whole family. This year’s theme is Future Worlds. Let your imagination run wild! Register ($5) as an individual or a group in one of two categories – Under 12 and 12 years old and up. Don’t have Lego at home? The Vancouver Island Regional Library (Cowichan Branch) will loan you a bag. You can now check out Lego just like books or DVDs. Prizes sponsored by The Red Balloon Toyshop. Size: Build on a 12 inch by 12-inch base. Sign up to be part of the show by Nov. 25 and drop off your creations at CVAC on Thursday, Nov. 26, 12 noon to 4 pm. https://cowichanvalleyartscouncil.ca/lotsa-lego-show-2020/#!event-register/2020/11/28/lotsa-lego