Victoria Highland Games
The 159th Victoria Highland Games & Celtic Festival will once again be held at Topaz Park on May 21 and 22, 2022.
Highlights of the Games weekend include:
- Pipe Bands (including Grade 1 Simon Fraser University Pipe Band)
- Canadian Invitational Drum Major Challenge
- International Heavy Events Challenge (Men and Women)
- Strathcona Mounted Troop
- Highland and Irish Dance
- Celtic Music (local bands performing throughout the weekend)
- Clan and Society Tents, Heritage Performers and Artisans
- Games Gala Performance (Inaugural Saturday evening performance)
- Celtic Vendors, Food Court, Adult beverage service
- Whisky and Wine Tasting Schools
Registration Forms and details on the Games activities will be posted on our website in early March. All public health orders at the time of the Games will be strictly followed. We look forward to seeing you at the Games in May!