Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island

    Contact Information
    2390 Arbutus Road

    Victoria, BC
    V8N 1V7
    Detailed Information

    Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island is a registered charity whose purpose is to raise funds to support the health and well-being of children and youth in need on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Our roots go back to 1922, and we were previously known as the Queen Alexandra Foundation for Children.

    How We Help

    The Children’s Health Foundation is involved in countless initiatives to improve children’s health up and down the Island. We own and operate Jeneece Place and the Sooke and West Shore Child, Youth, & Family Centres, and we support organizations all over the islands that run programs to benefit children and youth, including programs at the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health in Victoria.

    How You Can Help

    We count primarily on donations from our community – individuals and businesses – to support urgently needed programs and services. You can also plan a fundraising event and donate the money to Children’s! You can run a lemonade stand, organize a soccer tournament, hold a haircut-a-thon, or dedicate your birthday money to helping kids in our community. Volunteering with the Foundation is also a great way to get involved. Learn more about volunteering.


    Children’s Health Foundation hosts events throughout the year to raise funds for kids in need. Our three main events are Bear Wear (November – January), a holiday fundraiser; the Butterfly Ball (May), an elegant evening for dads and daughters; and the Motorcar Gathering (August), a family-friendly car show. Funds raised are directed into programs that help children and youth in need on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.


    For more information on the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island, visit our website and follow us on Facebook.

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