Victoria, BC
V9C 2W8
– EXPLORE Stroll along the ramparts of three coast artillery gun batteries built over 100 years ago.
– IMAGINE Step inside Canada’s oldest west coast lighthouse and imagine the life of lighthouse keepers and their families who once lived here.
– PLAY Enjoy wildflower meadows, or unwind on the sandy beach, with its stunning ocean and mountain views.
– SLEEP OVER Experience camping a whole new way, with a real bed! Each furnished oTENTik sleeps six, has electricity, and includes BBQs, a propane campfire pit and food storage.
– Quick Facts
– Location: About 14 km by road west of downtown Victoria.
– Activities: Learning about Canadian history, camping in Parks Canada’s oTENTiks, participating in heritage programs and events, playing games, filling out activity booklet, walking, bird watching, storm watching, relaxing, picnicking.
– Historic Buildings: Fisgard Lighthouse, Belmont Battery, Upper and Lower Batteries, Searchlight Engine Room, Fortress Plotting Room, Warrant Officer’s Quarters, Canteen.