c/o 204-5623 Imperial St.,
Burnaby, BC
V5J 1G1
PARENT SUPPORT SERVICES SOCIETY OF BC Parent Support Circles are small groups of parents who get together for two hours once a week on an on-going basis to share their parenting experiences and learn other approaches to parenting. They are for parents who have children aged 0 – 12 years, are free, and childminding and transportation subsidies are available as required. Each circle is co-facilitated by trained and dedicated volunteers who are there to provide support and care for the group. Our primary parent education comes from our own experiences as children in our families. Sometimes, we do not receive the parenting we wish we had. This can affect our ability to be the parent we want to be. Parent Support Circles help parents fill in the gaps between how they were parented and how they want to parent their own children. Parent Support Circles are also offered for parents raising teens, parents who are raising children with ADHD. Multicultural Parent Support Circle are small parenting groups that are open to parents who are new to parenting in Canada. GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN, a Parenting Support Circle for Grandparents who are raising their grandchildren and others who are raising a child of a relative on a full-time basis. The GRG/Kinship Support Circles provide support, information and resources to help deal with often complex situations. For more information or to join a support circle call: Sandi Halvorson 250-468-9658 or email [email protected] BC Parenting Support Line: 1-877-345-9777 ext. 100 or GRG/Kinship Information & Support Line: 1-855-474-9777 Visit: https://www.parentsupportbc.ca/regions/vancouver-island/ |