Victoria, BC
V8T 1Z8
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
Others with un-diagnosed developmental delays
Our focus is to…
Provide long-term ,individual, group and home based interventions that nurture and develop social, language and communication abilities
Support and teach our clients so they may lead lives of the greatest possible independence and emotional health
To use individualized interventions that are designed to meet the child’s changing developmental ne
Educate and assist families, interventionists and school based staff in implementing D.I.R. Floortime and Social Thinking strategies, leading ot a shift in interpersonal paradigms and generalization of new skills
Please call us for information about our fall/winter social learning groups including new groups specifically focused for those with Attention Deficit Disorder (with and without Hyperactivity)
We accept provincial Autism funding, Home Schooliing funding and private pay