Skin to Skin Contact

Duration: 5:13

Research Shows that it is Optimal to Place New Babies Skin-to-Skin with their Mother

Skin-to-skin babies are warmer and have higher blood sugar, they breathe better and are more awake and able to look at and connect with their mother.

A Newborn is Familiar with its Mother Before Birth and Feels Safest on Her Skin After Being Born

There are also other considerations for babies’ well-being. Babies need an attachment environment of people who will be constantly close to them for the first few years of their lives.  Compensating for a lack of a primary caregiver can be hard work, but does not doom the baby, as long as the right interventions take place, which might involve speech therapists or occupational therapists, depending on the need.

DISCLAIMER: Near the end, this video has a child sleeping on his father, on the couch and this is NOT safe. KidCareCanada does not advocate this practice.


Dr. Nils Bergman

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