Back-to-School Safety Measures

Parents have the choice to send their children back to school on a gradual and part-time basis, beginning on June 1. Here, according to the Ministry of Education, is what parents can expect when/if kids return to school:

Grades K–5 (2–3 days per week)

Grades 6–12 (1 day per week)

• 5 days a week available for children of Essential Service Workers, students with disabilities/diverse abilities, and students requiring additional supports.

• School districts and independent schools will organize their daily and weekly schedules based on school density targets and the number of children who are choosing to return to in-class instruction. This means children may not have their regular classroom teacher or classmates.

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• Bussing and transportation services to be implemented in accordance with operation plans.

Increased Health & Safety Measures

• Parents will be asked to monitor their children daily for symptoms and not to send them to school if they are sick. People who are sick will not be allowed in school.

• Students will be asked to wash their hands frequently, including before coming to school. They will have access to hand sanitizer when hand washing is not available.

• Schools will be cleaned more frequently, including classrooms and high touch areas.

• Schools may implement staggered drop-off and pick up times and modify lunch and recess hours.

School & Classrooms Might Look Different

• Increased spacing between students in classrooms and smaller group activities.

• No physical contact sports but more time outside with classmates.

• Limitations on assemblies and other large gatherings.

• Wearing non-medical masks will be a personal choice for students and teachers.

• Students will be asked to label their personal items and not to share them.

• Parents may need to remind children to minimize physical contact with their friends.

• Continuation of online/remote learning opportunities to supplement in-school instruction.

• Focus on mental health supports for students returning to school and those who continue to learn remotely.

For more information, visit

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