Lindsay Plumb

Lindsay Plumb
Lindsay Plumb is a financial coach and founder of MOOLA Financial. She’s running a free five-day budget makeover starting January 21, sign up here

January Reset

The New Year is a time to reset for many. While fitness, career and travel goals are on minds, there's another reset that is...

School Should Teach This!

The majority of adults I speak with have a similar experience to share with me about their lack of education on money throughout their...

Teaching Kids Realistic Expectations Around Money

Being a busy parent is no easy feat, especially in today's society where the cost of living is high and everything seems to be...

Tips to Slash Back-To-School Spending

Every September parents are reaching into their wallets to pay for all the costs associated with this time of year. It starts with school...

Tax Time!

There are few things more frustrating and confusing than money for the modern family. For many families, this time of year is the climax...

The Balancing Act of Budgeting

Raising kids in the 21st century during a global pandemic feels very similar to being a trapeze artist walking a tightrope. We’ve got soaring...

Financial First Aid Kit

Canadian families are being hit hard in the pocket right now. Many of those impacts are out of our control, but some of them...

Taxes with Toddlers

Remember back to the simple days when you had a whopping ONE T4 to file? Oh those days seem so long ago, don’t they?Now...

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